
STM32 - Erasing the flash using OpenOCD

2 minute read Published: 2020-08-19

Let's say you have flashed your STM32 MCU but accidentally overwrote a GPIO configuration used for ST-Link communication (discovery boards are prone to this). You might get the error message when trying to flash:

Flashing superparasites to Typhoon

2 minute read Published: 2020-08-11

I guess you found this post because you want to flash the superparasites firmware to Typhoon. As this is a custom firmware it's not as easy as building and flashing the official MI firmware images. Here's how it worked for me.

Debugging Arm-based microcontrollers in (Neo)vim with gdb

7 minute read Published: 2020-07-18

Coming from the JavaScript world, I'm used to the amazing debugging capabilities that browsers offer these days. I wanted to find a way to do debugging in a sensible way, covering the basics like setting breakpoints, skipping through them and doing variable inspection at runtime. Ideally I wanted to use vim for that as this is where I do all of my coding! I ended up finding an elegant solution (at least in my opinion) that I would like to share with you.